Hello!! I am Rosa María Marfil Montañez.
I have the title of Higher Technician in Computer Systems Administration, although my career has been focused on software development.
I have more than 10 years of experience in software development, with Java as the main language. Although I have also used with other languages, such as C ++, Ada, PHP and .NET.
I have worked developing desktop applications and web applications, both in the BackEnd and Frontend part.
I am the author of a book (Tratamiento informático de la información – 2018 Edition), author of training material and multi-page webmaster.
I consider myself a resolute, creative person who adapts to changes.
The purpose of this blog is that you can learn about programming and environment settings.
My tutorials are short and to the point, with many image captures to make it very easy for you. I hope you like it.
My official website is: www.rosamarfil.es